One hundred and five.
Sidewalks got a powerwashing bath. Except for these 4 squares. I had my fun. The best part? It won't wash off. =]

One hundred and four.
It rained. A lot. So we all sat down and watched our favorite show all night long. And found THE BEST episode so far.

One hundred and three.
Ventured back to Tonka town to visit my PIC before he took off for school. Here is my lame picture.
One hundred and two.
I saw the sun rise 3 days over vacation. On the third day I decided to actually get out of bed and take some pictures of it. =]
One hundred and one.
Day. Of. People. The bro had 6 friends visiting. It was insane. We did a lot of tubing. The dog was always in tow. =]

One Hundred.
WAHOO! 100 days in! This is an AMAZING book. I got too caught up in it to take a decent picture today. READ IT. Do it. Just give in. Everyone else is.
Ninety nine.
Clean up the beach day! And look what I found! A pre-monarch butterfly caterpillar. =]

Ninety eight.
So we arrived today. Such a gorgeous day. I forgot to take a picture though till I was basically sleeping. Here is the ample amount of string I brought planning on making bracelets. I didn't make a single one.
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