Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Show Place

Sixty one.

If you haven't heard of Show Place Icon theatre in the West End. Look it up and go there. It is SO nice. They even have a bar. Not to mention the pizza and frozen yogurt you can get as a snack. I went with SF and MC to see Eclipse. My favorite of the three so far, but still super cheesy. Though that has to be expected with those movies.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010



I'm going on graphic design overload right now. Well, not really. But its getting there. I have been working on a project for a friends movie, and working on some stuff for CAB at school (some of which I can't get a decent design for the life of me) and then I'll do my occasional fun tutorial thing. I think I'm just gonna shut of my computer one of these days and read a book again. Or something.


p.s. but look at this! A post on time!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Fifty nine

So, since my brother was the one that took the pictures at the cabin today you get a picture of my desktop, also my latest design. I kinda like how it turned out, but it needs some tweaking. Here is a better resolution version of it.


Sunday, June 27, 2010


Fifty eight.

Made it to the cabin with JW, finally. We immediately got out tubing once we got up there around 2. Here is one of MC and my brother tubing. I am still sore...


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Meet Pete!

Fifty seven.

I was upstairs at work for 8 hours today. Lets just say we went a little crazy being up there for so long. C and I had a fun time introducing Pete (her new fish friend) to everything and basically goofing off all day (while helping customers of course). It was a great day at work.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Down with the ship

Fifty six.

Or so our boss's husband says. Once the storms hit water started pouring into the store. Craziest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. I had to sneak this picture. Sadly I didn't get one of the flood in the kitchen area of the store. I felt like I was on a sinking ship all night long.


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Fifty five.

After doing the 3-day (where this was the walk's theme song) every time I hear it, thats what I think of. It always makes me happy. Exciting picture today. I know.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Fifty four.

Found the best thing ever today. These guys. From the movie Despicable Me. Which comes out in July if I remember correctly. I watched this trailer probably like 12 times today. So great. I also watched Remember Me. Who knew Rob Pattinson could actually act. Good movie. Kinda depressing though. Then hung some with my PIC (we are starting a company!!) and then went to LW's new house and talked to her for a long time. All in all, good day!


p.s. here is the trailer I was watching. Click!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Fifty three.

Probably worst picture EVER. But thats ok. JW came over tonight and we watched Atonement. So good but SOOOO sad. Anyway, there is a scene where they are killing horses and I remember the first time I watched it I didn't see the "No animals were harmed in the making of this film" thing, so we watched to see if I just missed it or if it really wasn't there. It wasn't. But I figured no way did they actually kill horses on camera, PETA would have gone crazy on them. But now I'm curious. If you know the answer let me know!! So here is a picture of the lack of "No killing animals" phrase.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Driving home

Fifty two.

SF and I get together at least once a week to watch True Blood. Usually this happens after work so I don't get to her house around 10 which means I don't leave till around midnight. Let me tell you, after watching a slasher vampire show driving home down 19 (which is really woodsy and dark) is kinda creepy. Especially when the moon is crazy and eerie. I hope I get used to it one day. As far as True Blood goes, its been an awesome season so far.


Sunday, June 20, 2010


Fifty one.

HR, GD and I acted like 5 year olds at JS's grad party today. We played with hot wheels. It was awesome. We parallel parked them by throwing them at water bottles, then tried stacking them as high as we could. I think this was the highest we got it. I then went to CF's grad party with HR which was fun. She was serving Punch pizza. It was wonderful. Then came home to celebrate fathers day!


Saturday, June 19, 2010



I'm half way to one hundred. Awesome. Hit up more grad parties today. Fun.... Actually they were. Went to MB's for a while then went to JW's where I stayed for quite a while. Till about 1am actually. I had SUCH a good time. Pool time, catch-up time, etc. NL and I stayed the latest and we just hung with J and talked all night. Here is a picture of us (post pool so its not the greatest) I love these girls.


Friday, June 18, 2010

La carte postal

Forty nine.

Hand written letters are making a come back. Legit. Since I got out of school I have written about 10 and received about 5. And I love it. BE writes AWESOME comics to go along with her letters. Her people make my day so much better. So much so that they are now hangin out on my bulletin board so I can read it any time I want. Also, the sun FINALLY came out today. It was wonderful.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

You got Punk'd

Forty eight.

SF let me borrow her season of Punk'd. I think I finished it all in one day. (Which is why there is a lack of decent, or even semi-decent, picture today) So... before the day ran out I just took this. I had nothing else exciting to take a picture of. (Not that this is exciting...)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Forty seven.

AWESOME day. After nannying I drove to SF's house to meet up with my 3C girls! Those that could make it anyway. We went to Punch for dinner, Adeles for dessert, and hung around SF's pool catching up. SO much fun. Here is a picture of AR. Probably the favorite picture of the night. So I edited it in 2 different ways. And here are both!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Easy as 1-2-3

Forty six.

While nannying today, E pulled out her easy bake oven. I honestly can't tell you the last time I used one. They are still awesome, and the food they make is still disgusting.


Monday, June 14, 2010


Forty five.

I got a letter from CS in the mail today. It came in a package that said "We're sorry, your mail has been damaged" I laughed. Even though the envelope was a disaster the letter and what came in it was awesome. I got pins from her trip to Disney World. =] It made my day.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Round 2

Fourty four.

Did another round of grad parties today. I went to three of I think a possible 7 or so I was invited to. Anyway, this was the coolest thing I saw between all of the parties I have gone to so far. This was at JL's house pointing you in the right direction to the party. Such an awesome idea. I then finished off the night by watching Trueblood at SF's house with a few other people. Good times.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

So they begin

Forty three.

Another lovely picture of myself... The intense rounds of grad parties started today. I went to three. I know people who went to 16+ Lets just say I'm glad I'm done with going to that many. Anyway, while I was at DN's party I got cold so I stole one of her college sweatshirts. She is going to Eau Claire. So I decided to ditch GAC for the day and support UWEC. Just for the day though.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Surfer girl.

Forty two.

For those of you who knew me back in 6th grade (which I think is none of you) I was quite the surfer girl poser. Well... those days are starting to make a comeback in my life. I bought some surfer magazines the other day. Ok, so technically I bought them for graphic design ideas (and they helped a lot) but I have also been reading and enjoying them. This is a technique I have always wanted to try and kinda like. I must keep working on it. This is the guy that I was inspired by. Check it out! Its worth it.


Thursday, June 10, 2010


Forty one.

My other family (the K's) brought my mom a edible bouquet today. We had some samples of it at dinner. Its ridiculously good. Especially the chocolate dipped pineapple. Thats my new favorite. I want one of these bouquets for my birthday (nudge nudge, wink wink). I watched Valentines Day today with mi madre. (If that isn't grammatically correct don't blame me, I don't speak spanish). I'm trying to continue my Ashton Kutcher run. =]

Congrats all you Tonka 2010 grads! (Commencement was today for those unaware)


p.s. also, new layout! Yay!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010



What an adorable self picture. =/ All I basically did today was watch Sex and the City. Big surprise I know. I did work some, but that was 1-9. So from about 10-1 and then 9-12 I watched SATC, ate goldfish (YUM!) and cupcakes. Like I said before... I need to start working out again.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello, sugar

Thirty nine.

Happy birthday Dad!!
Because it was my dad's birthday I got some cupcakes to eat. Then the neighbors kept bringing them over. And then more. And since I am posting this 3 days late... I'm STILL eating cupcakes. Its not good. Time to start working out again. =]

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day of lake(s).

Thirty eight (and then some).
As I was leaving work I found messages from JL to get out on her boat to go sailing on Lake Minnetonka, she gave me 15 minutes to get home and get to the marina. (I basically made it) So I spent about an hour there, though there wasn't much wind it was a fun time. While I was out sailing I was invited to go to JF's house to go out on his boat on Christmas Lake. It was an AWESOME boarding sesh for these guys pictured below. And they are both so so good. Both landed their flips. AH almost stuck his handstand surfing. It was a good time.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Un fleur pour vous

Thirty seven.

Our house has basically become a greenhouse. We have flowers literally everywhere. They all look and smell wonderful, so this is definitely not me complaining about it. I decided to take a picture of one cause I had nothing else to shoot today.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Crawl space.

Thirty six.

I was hanging out with KN, CP, and LW and we were talking about how LW was moving. So we ran to our favorite childhood spot in her basement to hang out one last time before she moves next week. It was a good time. We got to catch up after the school year, and we laughed. A lot. A lot a lot. It was such a good time.


Friday, June 4, 2010


Thirty five.

So, due to the fact that I actually need to put up a real picture. I took this! I got all creative and found my Andy Warhol statue, added some tomato soup cans (sneaky, huh?) and created art! I actually like it. ALSO I finished unpacking. Yay me! I had dinner with AA and KB. SO GOOD. I learned AA's family pasta recipe. Its amazing. I can't wait to make it again.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Thirty four.

THE BEST catch up conversation EVER happened. I talked to CP for about 2 hours which was awesome. I don't even remember the last time I talked to her. And we went to Old Chicago. Our favorite spot. It has been so long since I have been there last. It was wonderful.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Free time?

Thirty three.

With all the free time I have this summer (since I'm not working yet) I've become a Sex and the City addict. No joke. Also, photoshop. I'm trying to up my skills this summer so my publicity spot on CAB will be worth its while and I won't disappoint the school. Here is my latest feat.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hospital Visits

Thirty two.

Due to breast cancer (awesome....) I have been spending a lot of time at the hospital visiting my madre. (visit her caring bridge here). On the drive home I missed the exit and ended up driving past downtown. It was nice to see the city lights again.
