Monday, May 31, 2010

Looking back

Thirty one.

A picture from an actual camera. Shocking, I know. After a wonderful morning with KR, I washed all the cars, started and finished a book, and hung out with KMN. We had a serious Scotland sesh and looked at pictures and remembered good times. It was a lot of fun.


Sunday, May 30, 2010



Today was the first day of summer where boredom started to set in. Even though I had a lot to be doing (ie. unpacking) I just didn't want to, so I sat and watched Sex and the City basically all day. I did do some unpacking eventually. And a little bit of shopping (all I got was a book and 2 magazines... don't get too excited). As I was unpacking I found this drawing CS did for me a month ago or so. I found it as I was unpacking and it made me really happy. So I took a picture of it and sent it to her. Though it made me miss my 3C girls. And now, bed.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Twenty nine.

At least thats about how old our Century boat is. Its actually 28 years old, and still runs like we bought it 5 years ago. Its amazing. And its in the water!!! I had a WONDERFUL day at the cabin reading, getting some sun, hanging with the cousins and, of course, putting in the boat. The summer season has officially started.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Take me out

Twenty eight.

Went to my bros baseball game. They lost 3-5. Boo. But it was a 16 year old team up against a 17-19 year old team. So they held their own. Then spontaneously decided to go to the cabin the next day! It was awesome.

Best reminder ever.

Twenty seven.

I went to Letters to Juliet with HK. It was AMAZING. I want to see it again. Like right now. But as we were walking in I saw this. TOTALLY forgot about this movie (which is weird for me since Narnia basically used to rule my life). So seeing this totally made my day. It comes out December 10th (I think...). I'm hoping I can catch the midnight show of that one somehow. But either way, so so so pumped.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer. Has. Begun.

Hello friends. I'm back from my finals hiatus. (Two days late... I know) Here are the updates. Sorry they are mostly phone pictures. I was spending time studying, not worrying about pictures. I'll do better next time. =]

Twenty six.

Unpacking. It sucks. I didn't realize how much stuff I had with me at school till it was all on my floor. =/

Twenty five.

Last day of being a freshman. Crazy right. I know. It feels like I moved in a month ago. The section signed the wall as we all left, so we will be forever remembered in 3C. Once I got home I went to see LW who got her wisdom teeth out. Then went to my friends final band concert of high school. Crazy. Then we had an intense dance party on the stage after. It was a good time.

Twenty four.

Remember when I said the humidity skyrocketed. So did the temps. Living in a 90 degree non air-conditioned room sucks.

Twenty three.

The humidity. It skyrocketed. So walking back from studying Sunday night an epic storm was brewing. There was lightening all over the place. I tried to get a decent picture but by this point my good camera was at home. You can kinda see the clouds in this one.

Twenty two.

So I went home Friday night to go to the CABIN on Saturday. It rained. Boo. But stopped long enough for me to clean off the dock (which was icky and dirty). The cabin is clean and sparkly now and just waiting for us =]. While we were up there tons of dragonflies were hatching. You had to look out for them so you wouldn't step on them.

Twenty one.

With the end of the year comes a lot of goodbyes. A group of us got together for lunch on Friday just to catch up before we all split ways for the summer. BE brought along her dinosaur friend. We love him.


Reading day. Basically day of studying. So for a study break we did more henna. BB did this on my foot. Freehand. She got skill. I love it.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Almost. There.

Its finals week. Has been since I stopped posting. Come Tuesday afternoon when I'm 100% done with freshman year of college I WILL post. Promise. =]
But for now, I need to study pages of Greek Gods and monetary policies and supply and demand curves.

10 points if you know what classes I'm studying for.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010



After a wonderful day of finishing classes, sitting in the sun, going to the theatre picnic, and playing ultimate I ran back from the ultimate game threw on a dress and went out with the girls to celebrate EAR and NG's birthday. We had so much fun, and our waiter was so awesome. Here are the girls being spies and or the enemy of the spies.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spring Cleaning


That phrase takes on a whole new meaning when you are in college. Spring cleaning turns into spring pack up your room. So I helped EAR take down some stuff on her walls then take off the sticky stuff that was holding them up. I still have a lot to pack...


Monday, May 17, 2010



So, EB is quite the Norwegian enthusiast. It was a big Norwegian holiday yesterday so he dressed as the Norwegians do. It was awesome. Also, my loft came down today. It was sad. And super weird sleeping so close to the floor.


Sunday, May 16, 2010



Last day of the dance concert. I watched as many as I could. It really was a great concert. After I went to dinner with Mom and Dad who came to see the show. Then started loading out some of my room (boo) then went to BC's house to do henna! It was so so fun and now I have a tree on my ankle, a turtle on my foot, and a lotus on my arm. Love them all.
Now begins a week of straight studying... ugh.
I don't want it to end yet. (The studying yes, the leaving GAC no)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sapphire Harpoon


After dance, I got ready for the last theatre costume party of the year. Endangered species. So what did my friends and I go as? A girl band. Titled Sapphire Harpoon (hence the tattoos we all have in this picture). It was an epic costume idea. And an awesome party. I had a great night. And got to be part of a girl band. Life is complete.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Rolla blades.


As I was walking to the theatre today I saw some of my friends (MC, EAR, AP) getting ready to do some roller bladeing. So I took some pictures of them. Then had some fun with photoshop backstage during the dance show tonight.

Peace and love

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To have and to hold


Dance photo call was tonight. It went about 5 hours I think. Either way, I wasn't back in my room till 2am. It was a long night. They had a professional photog come in to take pictures so I just took them for fun. And every once and a while I would take my picture when the photog would and this is what would happen. I would be able to capture the motion and because my camera levels weren't set for it it would burn out the photo. Its kind of a cool effect though.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010



Today is my Partner in Crime's birthday. He turned 18. As my way of celebrating I am saying happy birthday to him 18 times in 18 different ways. This will be my 15th and last of the day due to the fact that the remaining three need to be either mailed or shipped. I took these all after rehearsal for dance tonight. If I wasn't so tired I would have done better.

Here is a list of the other 14 so far and pictures to those I have pictures for. (because chances are he missed some of these for several possible reasons, and I'm proud of what I came up with)

Left a message at midnight

Wrote on facebook wall

Sent a text this morning

A friend wrote a poem for me to give. (Thanks BE!!!)

Updated my twitter

Made a really lame graphic design


Wrote it in cheerios (with the help of EAR)

Wrote it on the board in class

Changed my facebook status

Sent a happy birthday jib-jab video

Cut letters out of a magazine

Changed the wording on his grad invite (I didn't want to give too much of the invite away so here is the part I changed)

Said it over skype


... =]

Its been a challenge, but a fun one.

P.S. PIC, you have a lot to live up to now...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Whats up doc?


Get the Bugs Bunny joke? At lunch today RW was having a good time filling her straw with carrot. The things we do during lunch... Also. CAB today was AMAZING. I SO cannot wait for next year.

Also... its nice having people who push me to posting on time. Yes, that means you LBB.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Get me outa here!


Dance tech. Long and boring. I LOVE the show, I could just be doing better things with my time. Like studying for finals how about. But come see the show. And get tickets soon! One show (Sunday) is already sold out!!

First one

Its sad that I have to give my first apology letter ten days in. I guess thats what I get for starting this up around finals... and tech.. . and as projects are due. So thats what I have been working on. I still have pictures for you. They will come once I shorten my to do list which is well over a page long as I write this.
I'll be back soon! I promise!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I am Iron Man


Well, not really. But I went to it today with my family. I thought it was good, though not as good as the first one. Robert Downy Jr. makes my life complete. Thats all. Here is my bro, I told him to pose next to this sign... he needed a little guidance but then BAM model.
Happy mothers day!


Saturday, May 8, 2010



I stopped by my brothers baseball game for a while today. They OWNED the other team. It was great to watch. I then left early to go help my PIC (partner in crime for those new to the blog game) pick out a suit vest for his prom. We had fun. I went to JCS again cause it was just too amazing to pass up again. Closing night for them. It was sad to watch senior bows but they all did an amazing job these past 4 years. Congrats to them all.


Friday, May 7, 2010



Recently there have been these weird flower things on the tables in the caf and they are AWESOME. CS likes to try to attack me with them and so I just decided to take a picture of them. AR wanted to creep in the background. So she did. I then went to Jesus Christ Superstar at Tonka which was OUTSTANDING. Holy crap. Then hung with AK, JF, and AH who I haven't really seen since last summer. So that was really fun. Good day.


Thursday, May 6, 2010



Friends! Yay! I can't get enough of these girls and I will miss them to DEATH this summer. We all chilled tonight in SF and AR's room chatting. Also, CAB (Campus Activities Board) meeting was tonight. We are working through homecoming. SO AWESOME. I love CAB. Then went to tech for the dance concert. Its gonna be good. I'm excited.

Ta ta for now.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Frank Warren, the creator of PostSecret spoke at Gustavus today. It was so cool to see the person that created something I've been following for a few years now. Beyond that I don't have much for ya...


Also, for those wondering about the song of my title, check out this video! Click!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010



It may be a bad sign that I'm already taking phone pictures and its only day four... I'll work on that one. It was SO WINDY here today. If I was smarter I would have used long shutter speeds to capture that but my brain just shut down today after my macro exam. Our campus is covered in these right now (referring to the picture) and it makes everything smell wonderful. I'll be sad when they go away. So I'm enjoying them while I can. =]


Edit: I just spent probably the last hour doing this just cause I wanted to not study for Arts Management... oops. Good thing I have 3 hours to study tomorrow. Its kind of a "variation" on the poster for the dance concert this spring. Only more... I don't even know. And there is something I don't like about it (I think its the words at the top) but I like the part with the dancer =]

Monday, May 3, 2010

Time to Soar


I took some test/rehearsal shots today for one of the dance pieces for the spring dance concert. Its outstanding. It features 12 seniors, is choreographed by an alum (I think) and is the piece that opens the concert. Everything in this picture is a work in progress (the concert doesn't start till May 14th, you should get tickets! Costume design is by Andrea Gross, lighting by Terena Wilkens.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kick off your Sunday shoes


It's really hard to take a picture of your own foot and make it look good. Especially with my awkwardly short toes... But today for a study break I painted my toes and love them so much I wanted to show them off. It was a good day. Studying, toe painting, poster making, running. Solid.


p.s. Also. One of my friends decided to join me on this project, though he is starting in June and warming up in May. Check it out here!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's baaaccckkkkk.


I can't believe I'm doing this again. Especially right before finals start. Eek! I've just missed it so much (not really, but kinda). Later tonight I plan on editing this post and doing a "my life in pictures the last two months" just to keep you up to date. The most recent thing in my life is that I recently lost a friend which was hard. So in honor of him, and the friend we lost a year ago, I made some new bracelets. My other ones were over a year old so it was time. The blue is for SE. The green for GJ. I wear them with pride. Which is where the picture for today comes from. The pictures in my title are straight from my camera. I really like how they turned out, so I put them in polaroid form. They are from my spring break in Florida (so awesome). The title comes from a song by Explosions in the Sky. I thought it was fitting since every day has a birth (sunrise) and death (sunset) as does every year have a birth (today, the start of this blog) and death (the end of this blog, May 1st 2011). I think I'm starting this up again because I want to prove to myself that I can do it without missing a day--since I did that last time. Also because all my other friends failed (or are way behind... DN). Also, because I miss documenting my life and having a way to look back on everything. So wish me luck!! (now to my meeting that I'm late do due to getting this posted...)

Signing off and welcome back,

Here is the past month and a half! Consisting of Spring Break, Birthday parties, Arabian Nights (Set and Light Design: Micah Maatman, Costume Design: Larissa Bregenzer), World Dance Day.